We Love Prairie Dogs
We Love Prairie Dogs
Prairie Dog Links and Resources
Prairie Dog Links and Resources
We also suggest participating or joining the Facebook groups recommended below. We caution you to be wary of groups where members readily offer medical advice as they are NOT licensed veterinarians and have little to no professional experience in the species. Additionally, they are providing recommendations without specific details about how you acquired your prairie dog, its specific history, diet, habitat, and more details that are specific to YOUR PET that can be very different than the needs of another. Limited postings and advice of this type could result in harm or death to your pet without more thorough or careful professional assessment and experimentation at your prairie dog's expense. Please seek professional consultation and work with licensed exotic veterinarians for best practices for your prairie dog's unique needs.
Reach out to us if you need help identifying an experienced veterinarian or if you need professional consultation.
The Prairie Dog Page
We Love Prairie Dogs
Prairie Dog Placements - A place to look for rescues and receive professional placement assistance.
Prairie Dog Advocacy & Ownership Info - A place for advocacy for prairie dogs or gaining ownership information.
Prairie Dog Playground
We also recommend Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs as a safe and healthy place for prairie dog information when partnered with professional assistance and guidance.
Find out more about the non-profit, tax-deductible Prairie Dog Sid's Charity - a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organization (SCIO) Charity No: SCO49701 by visiting https://www.facebook.com/prairiedogsidscharity
This page is set up in honor and memory of Sid, a beloved prairie dog. A fund designed in name of a prairie dog to raise desperately needed funds to help captive and wild prairie dogs worldwide.
Prairie Dog Food / Caging / Supplies
*American Pet Diner - a source of quality hays, Prairie Dog Natural Pellets, and Critter Be Better.
*Oxbow Animal Health - a source of quality hays, Oxbow Essentials Adult Rabbit pellet, and Critical Care powder.
*Small Pet Select - a source of quality grass hay. Amounts of 10 lbs or higher are best for selective herbivory.
*Fluker - a source of dried mealworms many prairie dogs appear to enjoy.
*Digital kitchen scale to capture weights periodically to ensure each of your prairie dogs maintains a healthy captive weight based on gender (see more about weight in the Captive Nutrition document on this site).
*Corner Litter Pans for those that are litter trained (read more on this on this site).
*Safe paper-pulp style litters (do not use wood shavings of any type for this species to avoid health issues that develop over a lifespan of use - seek free consultation if you want to learn more about this topic)
*Adult-sized water bottle
*Pup-sized water bottle until able to work up to adult-sized (start here for pups between 8 weeks to 12 weeks or for those that may be runts of a litter - seek free consult if having challenges with water bottle use for strategies and reasoning for use)
Quality Cage Crafters - The source of the prairie dog mansion, Chin Spin (15-inch prairie dog wheel), quality-made Critter Nation replacement pans, and a custom-cage building option.https://qualitycage.com/
*Midwest Homes for Pets - The source for Critter Nation cages.
Bass Equipment - provides quality stainless steel replacement pans for the Critter Nation cage.
Exotic Nutrition - 4-Level Mansion Cage. NOTE: We STRONGLY DO NOT recommend ANY of their dietary or supplement lines for prairie dogs; we do recommend this cage option.
Klubertanz Equipment Company, Inc. - a source for caging, cage wire, and supplies to build your own custom cage.
KW Cages - a site for cages and custom cage-building supplies.
CDE Animals Cages - a source for custom cages that can be made using proper wiring dimensions.
Wingz Avian Products - A source for travel cages
*Zoo Med - a great source for Avian Sun 5.0 for optimal full-spectrum lighting for UVA/UVB needs without heat. Please note that as of January 2025, there has been a temporary pause in production of this bulb. In the meantime, a comparable alternative is the ReptiSun 10.0 Mini Compact Fluorescent. If mounted properly, both are very helpful with much-needed Vitamin D synthesis.
*Brands and recommendations designated with an "*" can also be acquired through Amazon.*
PMS Recycled Vermin - Daryl Hogue and Lynda Watson - serving Texas.
Also, serving other states on request depending on current permitting and licensing regulations.
Providing over 30 years of experience in successful translocation/relocation services.
Contact us via the site contact page to be routed for assistance and site assessment.
Prairie Dog Pals - serving areas around Albuquerque, New Mexico
Prairie Dog Action - serving areas around Colorado
Prairie Dog Coalition
Prairie Dog Relocation
This very worthwhile website contains wild research and observations conducted by John Hoogland, Ph.D., and his research team on various prairie dog colonies in more remote areas and provides valuable insight about the species in numerous areas. An important aspect to keep in mind when learning more about prairie dogs and reading this or any materials about them is that there can be significant variation in behavior, burrow, and overall colony construction, language/dialect, diet, influence of invasive species, and many other variables. What you are learning about can be specific to those populations at that site that can be dramatically different in another. Numerous variables can impact another colony/coterie differently than what you may learn and observe through the site. But this site is valuable in understanding how amazing and priceless these animals are to our vanishing prairie ecosystem.